Pernah tak dapat orang yang anggap kita ni sombong, even kawan kita pun. Pernah tak? aku pernah. Banyak kali. Just because aku tak buzz orang kat YM, so that means aku ni paling sombong dalam Malaysia la? Paling tak hebat lah?
Fucking annoying dumb people, you just go shit yourself and go the hell away from my life. Ada ke cakap aku sombong for the sake of nak layan diri kau seorang je. Kau tak buzz aku langsung , meaning kau pun same as the others? As arrogant as I am, I am not like, go here and there just to tell people that you are freaking piss off, because no people wants to layan and treat you.
Come on lah. Cermin diri sendiri tengok apa jadi la. Respect the others la.
Rants #2
Copycat! Macam bodoh. Tak boleh ke tak tiru manusia lain? Tak boleh cari idea sendiri ke? Some stupid plagiarist just stole everything out of yourself, they deemed a nice feedback from your own friggin' story. Cari la idea sendiri. Jangan nak tiru orang.
Or tiru konsep, tapi berlainan cara. Belajar la sikit, Internet dah laju, dah everywhere, tapi otak still kat Lutut.
Rants #3
walla. bengang habes ehh. lolz.
and the third one ilang sudaa? ;p
kalau nak ckp BI ckp BI sume la kalau nak cakap BM biar BM sume. berlagak dan sombong!
ahh..anonymous..so sweet laa comment u. thanks ok. :)
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