Tagged by Kerryn Comel

1) What is the most important thing in your life?
Family bebeh!

2) Will you consider a sexual relationship before marriage?
No and No. thanks

3) Do you smoke?
Yeah, by any mean, smoking the tyres. Burn it out baybee..
4) What is the latest gadget that you own?

InsyaAllah, New Nikon Sb600

5) Who did you mostly text yesterday?


6) How old are you & are you a virgin?

I am 18 years old, and yeah..i’m a virgin.

7) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?

Air Suam..Kedekut ke?..
8) Chocolate Oreos or Vanilla?

A little bit campur-campur. A McFlurry oreo anyone?

9) Where do you wish to get married?

A very windy place. Or aircondition place.

10) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?

entah..maybe 25-26?
11) How many kids do you want?

3-4 sudah..kan..kan..

12) Are you in love?

Can you tell?..hehe..shhh…
13) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?

Taj Restaurant
14) Name the latest book that you bought?

Hypertune vol. forgot.
15) What is your full name?

You and you
16) Do you prefer your mother or father?


17) Do you believe in GOD?

Yes and Yes

18) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.

Rozita Che wan or her sister..hehehe…

19) Christina or Britney?
Catherine Mcphee…gosh!...

20) Do you do your own laundry?
Yeah kot..hahahaha
21) The most exciting place you want to go?

Heaven certainly. And Tsukuba Circuit

22) Hugs or kisses?


22)single or attached?
Doubled/ attaching files……

23)point out 7 things that made the person that tagged you associated with you.

2)my schoolmate kan?kan?
3)Very the Baik and Kind wann..
4)Kawan Asyraf
5)Good person
7)thinking again..errr…

ar..i don't know la...
my blogger friends kot..
e way
(nevermind kalau you all tak buat..just random pick jekk)

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