So we start off as a typical Malay blogger, yang akan cakap,
"wah, dah lama betul aku tak update blog"
"blog aku dah bersawang dah, dah lama sangat tak update".
True true, I dont have any ideas on updating my blog, just moving on with my life for this couple of month in 2010. Not much happen on first quarter 2010 though, unless you consider the 'perodua' post is something. And currently i was quite sibuk with my studies yang tak sibuk pun. hehe.
Quite often online nowadays but more on facebook, the thing is, I like how people treat me there, and I also can treat people nicely there. Besides, online social networking does make my life seems better, apart from retarding my real social life. Thats the bad side of Online social networking. We just spend our times gaining our weight, sitting in front of computer, online, rather than go outside having a little excercise, gardening, talking to the neighbours or fixing something.
Aside from getting hook up to Facebook, i do read blog, photoblog and tech articles mainly about cars and stuff, how to learn and how to pretend to know everything about cars even you didnt know about it. Well, couples of pages does influence me in my life, like the blog, and too, the tech articles.
Forgetting about the masa lepas, I happily moving on with my life now. Alhamdulillah syukur, aku ni kira bertuah ada macam-macam kesenangan tuhan dah bagi kat aku, cuma kadang-kadang aku tak appreciate. (not all, cuma ada yang tak perasan). Aku kira dah cukup bahagia sekarang kalau nak compare dengan orang-orang lain. There might be kekurangan, and mungkin ada kelebihan kan. Wallahualam
Tapi one thing aku still rasa tak puas hati. Well, aku nak ni, aku nak tu, tapi tak fullfil pun, sbb tuhan tahu aku pn cam tamak. Manusia, biasa la. haha. To tell you the truth aku kadang-kadang timbul perasaan jealousy bila tengok orang buat sideways dengan Silvia ke, TE71 ke. And then bertambah lagi Jealous bila tengok orang bawak Nissan Skyline GTR ke, Lancer Evo ke, Cukup-cukup jealous, and bertambah2 jealous.
Bertambah lagi jealous bila tau kawan aku sendiri dapat dream car diorang, dapat drive dream car or atleast ada dalam automotive field, and yang aku ni stuck je kat kereta standard gaban. Aku pun sebenarnya nak jugak Nissan Silvia, nak KE70 ke, Honda EG ke. Nak merasa kan.
Tapi aku tau, one day aku akan dapat rasa semua benda tu, lagipun dah cukup syukur aku DAPAT kereta standard gaban, aku most likely lupa and jarang untuk fikir orang- orang yang lagi unfortunate dari aku. Ade yang dapat motor, dapat Vespa, tak dapat ape-ape pun ada jugak. Alhamdulillah, i was born with kesenangan dalam hidup. Atleast aku pun dapat jugak merasa dream orang-orang lain.
(bila dah nak menulis, banyak plak idea keluar kan)
Alhamdulillah syukur, atleast aku ingat dunia and akhirat lagi, mungkin banyak kat dunia, tapi slowly i'm moving near to hidup di akhirat. Regardless of my kesusahan that i just mention just now, i think i'm so lucky to have this hidup. I just need to maintain this happy life, not to do anything stupid, on purpose. When you try to compare your life to the other, make sure the other must be lower than you, not more fortunate than you, if not, you don't know the meaning of life kan.
So move on to my life. InsyaAllah it would be better. :)
"wah, dah lama betul aku tak update blog"
"blog aku dah bersawang dah, dah lama sangat tak update".
True true, I dont have any ideas on updating my blog, just moving on with my life for this couple of month in 2010. Not much happen on first quarter 2010 though, unless you consider the 'perodua' post is something. And currently i was quite sibuk with my studies yang tak sibuk pun. hehe.
Quite often online nowadays but more on facebook, the thing is, I like how people treat me there, and I also can treat people nicely there. Besides, online social networking does make my life seems better, apart from retarding my real social life. Thats the bad side of Online social networking. We just spend our times gaining our weight, sitting in front of computer, online, rather than go outside having a little excercise, gardening, talking to the neighbours or fixing something.
Aside from getting hook up to Facebook, i do read blog, photoblog and tech articles mainly about cars and stuff, how to learn and how to pretend to know everything about cars even you didnt know about it. Well, couples of pages does influence me in my life, like the blog, and too, the tech articles.
Forgetting about the masa lepas, I happily moving on with my life now. Alhamdulillah syukur, aku ni kira bertuah ada macam-macam kesenangan tuhan dah bagi kat aku, cuma kadang-kadang aku tak appreciate. (not all, cuma ada yang tak perasan). Aku kira dah cukup bahagia sekarang kalau nak compare dengan orang-orang lain. There might be kekurangan, and mungkin ada kelebihan kan. Wallahualam
Tapi one thing aku still rasa tak puas hati. Well, aku nak ni, aku nak tu, tapi tak fullfil pun, sbb tuhan tahu aku pn cam tamak. Manusia, biasa la. haha. To tell you the truth aku kadang-kadang timbul perasaan jealousy bila tengok orang buat sideways dengan Silvia ke, TE71 ke. And then bertambah lagi Jealous bila tengok orang bawak Nissan Skyline GTR ke, Lancer Evo ke, Cukup-cukup jealous, and bertambah2 jealous.
Bertambah lagi jealous bila tau kawan aku sendiri dapat dream car diorang, dapat drive dream car or atleast ada dalam automotive field, and yang aku ni stuck je kat kereta standard gaban. Aku pun sebenarnya nak jugak Nissan Silvia, nak KE70 ke, Honda EG ke. Nak merasa kan.
Tapi aku tau, one day aku akan dapat rasa semua benda tu, lagipun dah cukup syukur aku DAPAT kereta standard gaban, aku most likely lupa and jarang untuk fikir orang- orang yang lagi unfortunate dari aku. Ade yang dapat motor, dapat Vespa, tak dapat ape-ape pun ada jugak. Alhamdulillah, i was born with kesenangan dalam hidup. Atleast aku pun dapat jugak merasa dream orang-orang lain.
(bila dah nak menulis, banyak plak idea keluar kan)
Alhamdulillah syukur, atleast aku ingat dunia and akhirat lagi, mungkin banyak kat dunia, tapi slowly i'm moving near to hidup di akhirat. Regardless of my kesusahan that i just mention just now, i think i'm so lucky to have this hidup. I just need to maintain this happy life, not to do anything stupid, on purpose. When you try to compare your life to the other, make sure the other must be lower than you, not more fortunate than you, if not, you don't know the meaning of life kan.
So move on to my life. InsyaAllah it would be better. :)
bile nka pasng turbo tuk aku.
p/s: ko naek bas ke? dari mane?
nak pasang turbo kat merc Kompressor kau tu?..perghh..tak cukup lagi supercharged nak turbo plak..hehehe
nanti laa..
aku dari kuantan ke manchestee..haa
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